Laughing Gas

Laughing Gas

Today I just wanted to do a little PSA and talk about laughing gas. We have laughing gas in the office but sometimes people feel a little uncomfortable to ask about it or they don’t necessarily want to bring it up. This is a totally judgement free zone. Laughing gas...


When I was growing up there used to be a commercial about dentists recommending trident gum. Occasionally I get asked if I am one of the four or am I this other dentist that doesn’t recommend it. So, I’d like to say I am in the recommendation camp. I am one of the...


A lot of people come to us to have a consult for Invisalign, and I wanted to walk you through that today so you can know what to expect. When someone comes in and they’re thinking that they might want to move their teeth, the first thing that we’ll do is scan their...
When to Bring a Child to the Dentist for the First Time

When to Bring a Child to the Dentist for the First Time

A common question that I get asked is, “When should I bring my child to the dentist for the first time?” The official recommendation is within six months of them cutting their first tooth. That might seem really early to some people, but we’re not going to be doing a...
Out of Network Insurance

Out of Network Insurance

Here at Omene Family and Cosmetic Dentistry we’re an out of network provider with most standard insurances. We know that can be a little intimidating for patients. We want to share a little bit about the out of network insurance process for our office. When you come...
Cavities: The More You Know

Cavities: The More You Know

A lot of people ask “what causes a cavity,” and truly it’s quite simple. There are three things that can factor into somebody developing a cavity. Those three things are: 1) Too Much Sugar 2) Too acidic of an environment in their mouth 3) Or an imbalance in bacteria...